Коллекция: Белый, жёлтый и зелёный чай
White tea
Historically, white tea was most likely the first tea that humans tried.
The main idea of white tea is minimal intervention in the processes that occur in the tea leaf after harvesting. The aroma is floral, sweet, and fruity. The taste is pure with a returning sweetness after a sip, and the effect is relaxing.
Yellow tea
The rarest category of tea. The traditional production technology of yellow tea includes a "stewing" stage: the tea is wrapped in thick cloth or paper and left to stew for several days at a temperature of about 50 degrees Celsius. As a result, the tea changes its appearance, becoming slightly yellowish, and acquires a unique aroma and flavor profile.
Unlike green tea, yellow tea stores excellently and becomes denser in flavor over time, becoming sweeter and softer.
Green tea
The most popular and diverse type of tea in China. It has a pure and sweet aroma, and a delicate yet full flavor. The bouquet of green tea is recognized by its floral, baked, fruity, and berry notes.
The main idea of green tea is to preserve the freshness of the tea leaf as much as possible and convey the atmosphere of early spring.
Маоцзянь Е Шэн, весна 2024 г.
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Белый чай Гу Шу Бай Ча, монеточка, 8 гр
Обычная цена €1,25 EURОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / заПродано -
Цзюнь Шань Инь Чжэнь, весна 2024 г.
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Зелёный чай Тай Пин Хоу Куй, первый сбор, весна 2024 г.
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